Diverse Cultures of Aklan

By admin
July 19, 2024
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Nestled in the heart of the Philippines, Aklan Province is one of the well-known destinations for countless tourists. With its wide range of stunning beaches, must-visit eco-park, and picturesque view of nature, it is not even up for discussion as to why it is worth visiting. 

But what Aklan can offer doesn’t only stop there! They have a diverse culture that makes the place even more enticing. Let’s uncover what it could be and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Aklan. 

Aklan’s Rich History

The history of Aklan traces back to the pre-colonial era, making it one of the oldest provinces in the Philippines. It was part of the mythical Madja-as Confederation, an ancient pre-Hispanic political entity. The long-standing history of Aklan has left an indelible mark on its culture, blending indigenous traditions with influences from Spanish colonization.

Despite the modernization and the rise of various hotels in Kalibo Aklan Philippines, it’s remarkable how they were still able to maintain their culture and beliefs after a long time. Now, locals can showcase their vibrant culture to a multitude of tourists making the place even more scenic. 

Common Practices of the People

Aklan bursts with vibrant traditions throughout the year. The festivities kick off with the search for the “Mutya ag lakan it Ati-atihan” in anticipation of the famed Ati-atihan festival. 

Religious celebrations are woven into the cultural fabric, with people attending dawn masses (“Simbang Gabi”) during Christmas and commemorating the 19 martyrs of Aklan who fought for freedom. January brings the lively feast of the Sto. Nino on the third Sunday, while the Kalibo food festival tantalizes taste buds. These celebrations, both sacred and secular, showcase the rich cultural heritage of Aklan.

If this makes you want to visit the place in person, we totally get it. Most especially there are now various cheapest hotel in Kalibo that you can opt for a comfortable yet budget-friendly price. 

Aklan’s Cultural Believes

Aklan is home to a vast collection of cultural beliefs that mirror the long-established customs and norms instilled within its residents. The Aklanon tradition is based on the celebration of nature itself, as evidenced in ritual behaviors and actions that pay homage to this supernatural realm.

The Ati-Atihan Festival is one of the longest-running and liveliest celebrations in over the Philippines, showing this province’s syncretic belief system combining indigenous tribal persons with Catholic values.

The Sto. Niño has a special place in their hearts, which they believe brings redemption to its believers. It reminds them of the purity needed to reach heaven as it embodies the hope and trust God’s children should hold onto.

Since Roman Catholicism is the dominant religion among the Aklannon, they have various well-known churches that not only locals appreciate, but even tourists. If you’ve ever been to Papierus Pensionne or any other Kalibo lodging house in general, then you might have already visited “The Cathedral” — the oldest church in the province of Aklan. 

These cultural beliefs that have been handed down from generations are still very evident and being practiced by the people today making up how an Aklanonan lives his everyday life.

Exploring Aklan’s Cuisine

Before this article ends, let us take a glimpse of the mouthwatering cuisine that Aklan has to offer. First top is their savory Inubarang manok where chicken is perfectly blended with coconut milk. It has a blissful and delectable flavorful taste that makes many people want to come back. 

Aside from this, one of the must-try foods when visiting Aklan are Binakol, Linapay (laing), and local delicacies like Latik and Eangkuga (Ginataang bilo bilo). But remember that these are only some of their appetizing cuisine — there’s so much more once you visit the place in person. 

Experience the Best of Aklan

Aklan has never run out of things to offer from its enchanting environment, spectacular beaches, and now vibrant culture. 

But perhaps that’s still not enough for you and looking for something more. If so, let their superb lodging house put your search to rest. And how else can you experience other than staying at Papierus Kalibo — the finest yet affordable hotel in Aklan!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the Aklan people called?

People who are living in Aklan are called “Aklanon ‘ — which also refers to their language and province. It’s generally derived from the name of a river called “Akean”

What is the traditional food of Aklan?

Food delicacies and dishes are part of the tradition in the province of Aklan. In fact, their most traditional foods are lechon and adobo that is often served at every family gathering. 

Is Akaln the oldest province in the Philippines?

Yes! Located in the northwestern part of Panay Island in the Western Visayas Region, Aklan is the oldest province in the Philippines dating back to 1213 AD.

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